RSVP and More Info

Do not worry- filling in your name below does not mean you are 100% committing to coming. I know life happens and we are all extremely busy! It would mean the world to me if you can make it for this special weekend with the boys. I will gather a final headcount when I receive RSVP’s and we will make more specific travel and lodging arrangements from there.

To be completely transparent with what this entails, please see the below prices for the rounds and lodging. I will handle the rental car and am happy to make airport trips as necessary to get everyone in so we can all have a phenomenal weekend together.

The Bootlegger - $54 per round

The Loop - $195 per round

Forest Dunes - $195 per round

Lodging - $180-$190/pp per night. Thinking $400 total per person. after taxes/fees/etc. We can pivot to a cheaper airbnb if it makes more sense after a final headcount.